ライフプロジェクトの 夜明け前

Musashino Art University Department of Creative Innovation Professor Hironori Iwasaki's Research Lab 4th-year Seminar Exhibition


Because each of our journeys has been different, you have a unique color that only you can produce. Even if it's an activity that already exists in the world, it will naturally take on a different hue due to the local context in which it's conducted and your personality as the one conducting it. Such colors that begin with 'me' remain independent while gently overlapping. Instead of thinking 'You're bothered by this, that's completely different from me,' we can feel that it resonates with us somewhere, empathize, and join hands even as we move in different directions.

From 'クリエイティブデモクラシー 「わたし」から社会を変える、ソーシャルイノベーションのはじめかた (一般社団法人 公共とデザイン著)'

At THE DAWN OF LIFE PROJECTS, we, the 4th-year students of Professor Iwasaki's seminar, will showcase a part of our graduation project process as we approach graduation.

Event Details

From October 10 (Thu), 2024 to October 15 (Tue), 2024

Open from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM No reservation required for entry.

On October 14 (Mon) from 3:00 PM to 6:10 PM, there will be a public critique by Professor Iwasaki. Feel free to participate.

Musashino Art University Ichigaya Campus 2F

1-4 Ichigaya-Tamachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0843

Please enter the 2nd floor from the MUJI staircase.

Access details here